Various social activities to get known with eachother.
Dance and play for children.
Dance to leader to music from Suomi.
Headgear and hair fashion in folk costumes is a travelling exhibition that shows more than 70 headgears from large parts of Norway.
Headgear and hair fashion in folk costumes is a travelling exhibition that shows more than 70 headgears from large parts of Norway.
The exhibition is produced by Norsk folkedraktforum.
The exhibition is a part of the main exhibition BUNADS, FOLK COSTUMES AND HAND CRAFT TECHNIQUES.
Opening hours:
Kirkegaten 2B
4836 Arendal
Opening hours:
15. July: 14-18
16. July: 8–24
17. July: 8–24
18. July: 8–24
19. July: 8–24
20. July: 8–24
21. July: 8–12