Various social activities to get known with eachother.
Dance and play for children.
Dance to leader to music from Suomi.
Exhibition of traditional costumes and a special insight into how to best understand other nordic languages.
NORDLEK invites everyone to Pollen in Arendal for an impressive overview of the traditional nordic folk costume traditions. It is followed by a nordic language immersion (språkbad), where you will get an inishgt to the most important keys to better understand the nordic languages, and how to make yourself understood.
Kirkegaten 2B
4836 Arendal
Opening hours:
15. July: 14-18
16. July: 8–24
17. July: 8–24
18. July: 8–24
19. July: 8–24
20. July: 8–24
21. July: 8–12