Various social activities to get known with eachother.
Dance and play for children.
Dance to leader to music from Suomi.
Headgear and hair fashion in folk costumes is a travelling exhibition that shows more than 70 headgears from large parts of Norway.
Les meir →STING is an exhibition about the reconstruction of folk costumes and textile industry's environmental challenges today.
Les meir →På denne utstillinga vil du kunne sjå eit utval folkedrakter og bunadar, i tillegg til handverksteknikkar brukt i produksjonen av desse.
Les meir →Try out Norwegian and Icelandic dances you might not know before, and follow along!
Les meir →A cavalcade of Nordic dance groups showcases the best of their dancers and music.
Les meir →A cavalcade of Nordic dance groups showcases the best of their dancers and music.
Les meir →We dance to the great ballads from the Nordic countries. Simple steps and great experiences!
Les meir →We're dancing and playing the festival dances and tunes from previous NORDLEK festivals.
Les meir →Address:
Kirkegaten 2B
4836 Arendal
Opening hours:
15. July: 14-18
16. July: 8–24
17. July: 8–24
18. July: 8–24
19. July: 8–24
20. July: 8–24
21. July: 8–12