NEW! Prices will increase on the 1st of April, not 1st of March as previously stated.

Are you travelling to NORDLEK with your family?

10.7.24 12:19
Last updated:
10.7.24 12:18

We will go to great lengths to ensure that families with young children feel welcome at NORDLEK.

If you have children between approximately 5 and 12 years old, we hope they will take part in the activities we have planned for children and families. We believe that as long as the children are happy, the parents will also have a good time. Therefore, we aim for the children to meet each other, get acquainted, and perhaps make a new friend or two.

Tuesday 16/7

On the opening day, Tuesday, there are no special program items for children and young people. Everyone is welcome at the main venue, and we hope you will enjoy both the welcome evening and the spectacular opening ceremony. Here, anyone can be inspired to become both dancers and musicians.

Wednesday 17/7

Family Excursion to Merdø 09-16

On Wednesday, we invite you to a family excursion to Merdø. Merdø is an island just outside Arendal's archipelago. To get there, you can board the ship Boy Leslie and sail out on a fine sailing ship, or you can take the ferry over and board the ship on the way back. The ship can hold a maximum of 50 people and is not big enough for everyone. It will make multiple trips.

On Merdø, several activities are planned for you to participate in together with other families. You can play on the beach and enjoy the sun, or join a guided island tour.

Buy tickets for the excursion here.


Kl 09.00            Boy Leslie sails her first trip

Kl 11.00            Boy Leslie sails her second trip

Kl 10.00            Island wandering

Kl 12.00- 13.00 Group dance and play with live music

Kl 13.30            Island wandering

Kl 14.00            Boy Leslie sails first trip home

Kl 16.00            Boy Leslie sails second trip home

It is possible to buy food at the café on Merdø, but you can also bring your own food if you prefer.

Feel free to bring swimwear if you want to swim!

It is important that all children participating in the trip are accompanied by responsible adults. The organizing committee has invited the whole family on the trip – no children can travel alone.

If you do not want to travel outside the trips with Boy Leslie, you can take the scheduled boat which can be booked here:

Thursday 18/7 and Friday 19/7

Thursday and Friday are full of activities at Kulturkammeret for children and families. Kulturkammeret is the old police station located in the middle of Arendal city center. The police station has been converted into a diverse cultural venue with many different rooms suitable for various activities.

Here, there will be play and dance in the "Hjertekammeret," led by dance leaders from across the Nordic region, and there will be an instrument workshop in the "Klangkammeret" followed by practice in the Bøljebandet. The "Barnerommet" (Children's Room) will be open for those who are not as interested in the activities, and NORDLEK's handicraft courses, which are open to both children and adults, will also be in the building.

Children’s Room Hjertekammeret:


Kl. 10 – 11 Norwegian dances and games

Kl. 11 – 12 Danish dances and games

Kl. 13 – 14 Icelandic dances and games

Kl. 14 – 15 Swedish dances and games

Kl. 15 – 16 Finnish dances and games


Kl. 10 – 11 Suomi dances and games

Kl. 11 – 12 Swedish dances and games

Kl. 13 – 14 Theatre games and impro with Trine Sjølyst

Kl. 14 – 15 Crash course before “barneleikfest”

Kl. 16- 18 Barneleikfest



Kl. 11 – 14 Create rhythm instruments

Kl. 14 – 16 Bøljeband practice


Kl. 14 – 15.30 Bøljeband practice


Do you think the kids will want to play for dancing? Everyone who can play an instrument can download the sheet music and audio file from the website.

Bøljeband notes

If you have time and opportunity to practice before you travel to Arendal, that's great. If not, you can still join us. Loose string accompaniment or other alternative approaches to the music are possible here.

If your child doesn't usually play an instrument but still wants to play for dancing, they can make fun rhythm instruments on Thursday. Later, they can join the Bøljebandet, which will practically become a junior ensemble with an expanded rhythm section and adult musical support.

Friday 19/7

Barneleikfest kl. 16-18

On Friday, all children are welcome to the barneleikfest led by Trine Merete Sjølyst. There will be music and dancing, and plenty of fun. The Bøljeband will perform, and anyone who wants to can join in the dancing. Refreshments are planned for the party, so it's important to notify the organizers of any food allergies.

Saturday 20/7 and Sunday 21/7

Like the opening day, Saturday is also a day when everyone follows the main program. The "Children's Room" will be open and available in the evening as well.

"Children's Room" with childcare in the evening: We want the children to join us on the dance floor for as long as they want, but we also understand that many of them are accompanying their parents without a personal interest in the activities. If we can make life a bit easier for the little ones by providing a room to retreat to when the folk music and folk dancing become a bit too lively, then the Children's Room is the place for them.

The "Children's Room" at «Glassburet» located on the 2nd floor of the Arendal Culture House. The room is staffed. Here, children will find drawing materials, beads, puzzles, playing cards, macramé, and other things to keep them occupied while the adults dance. Children are registered with their name and number upon entry, and they are checked out when they leave the room. There are also available mattresses for them to relax on if their legs can't carry them any longer.


We know that theoretically we should understand each other in the Nordic countries. However, it's not always that simple. We actively work towards increased language understanding in the Nordic region and since 2014, we have had informal language ambassadors at the venues who can assist with interpretation and enhance understanding, for example when someone doesn't understand messages, instructions, or in early dialogues between children from different countries. Sometimes, just a little effort is needed for children to learn to crack language codes that enhance language understanding.

We encourage as many bilingual young people and adults as possible to volunteer as language ambassadors. You register yourself and your skills, but you are not obligated to specific times or places. Everyone who registers as a language ambassador will receive more information as the event approaches, and upon arrival.